by Alicia Kent
Alicia Kent
Digital Art - Photography, Digital Art
This mysterious mandala is created from an image of the very unusual and magnificent Beautyberry Bush. Beautyberry is an ordinary looking shrub in Spring and early Summer, but then displays an abundance of unique purple berries in the Fall.
The Beautyberry’s scientific name, Callicarpa, reflects its attractiveness: Callicarpa derives from two Greek words meaning “beautiful” and “fruit”
You are a beautiful fruit of the Universe and are here to blossom and be seen!
Callicarpa produces clusters of small white or pink spring flowers that attract butterflies. These give way to green berries that then transform into brilliant lustrous and iridescent magenta purple…almost a fuchsia colour. They resemble beautiful purple pearls, which symbolize creativity, wisdom, complexity, nobility, and passion.
Seen as “the most astonishing berries in the whole of the plant world” by some, these beautiful berries persist long after the leaves have fallen, shining like clusters of amethysts throughout winter until the birds eat them.
Can you see your own Beauty and how astonishing you truly are?
If Beautyberry has come into your life, it may be asking you if you are truly appreciating how Unique and Beautiful you are. It also asks if you have been honouring the deep and profound changes that your Higher Self may be guiding you towards. It is reminding you of the deep beauty in transformation.
It’s time to honour the beauty of your amazing journey. Beautyberry urges you to allow your full unique expression…to allow all your True Colours to shine for the world.
Around the edge of the mandala are 4 dragonflies. The dragonfly, in almost every part of the world symbolizes change and change from the perspective of self-realization; and the kind of change that has its source in mental and emotional maturity and the understanding of the deeper meaning of life.
The dragonfly totem carries the wisdom of transformation and adaptability in life and is connected to the symbolism of change and light. When the dragonfly shows up in your life, it may remind you to bring a bit more lightness and joy into your life.
Dragonflies start to grow in water and then move into the air and fly. When this spirit animal shows up in your life you may be called to transform and evolve. Symbol of metamorphosis and transformation, it inspires those who have it as a totem to bring about the changes needed in their lives in order to go to reach their full potential.
When this spirit animal shows up in your life, it’s an indication that it’s time for change. Just like the dragonfly changes colours as it matures, you may be called to live and experience yourself differently. Stay open to the unfoldment of your personal journey.
The dragonfly is characterized by amazing flight patterns, as it appears to be able to change direction swiftly, gliding through the air with no apparent effort. It's lightness inspires those who have the dragonfly as totem to use their ability to be flexible and highly adaptable in any situation.
When a Dragonfly totem flits into your world, she is asking that you pay attention to your deeper desires ands also be mindful of the outcome that you wish to have. In other words, there are lessons to be learned, and “what you think” is directly proportionate to what you “see on the surface.” As a result, your thoughts are responsible for your physical surroundings. Thus, your Dragonfly meaning tells you that you must move through these illusions and “think” your dreams into reality.
Also around the edge of this mandala are 4 Larimar and Pink Sapphire Butterflies. When Butterfly dances in your Metamorphosis has begun!!
Many cultures associate the butterfly with our souls. Around the world, people view the butterfly as representing endurance, change, hope, and life. The butterfly is a symbol of change, joy and colour. The exquisite butterfly was considered a miracle of transformation and resurrection.
Larimar is the embodiment of the tranquil Sea and Sky energies. It’s soft, soothing blues and calming turquoise is streaked with white patterns that resemble sunlight dancing beneath Caribbean waters. It brings the ancient wisdom of Atlantis and the healing power of dolphins to harmonize the body and soul.
Larimar is one of the cardinal Water element stones, yet is born of Fire in its volcanic origins. One of the few crystals to balance the polarities of these energies, Larimar cools tempers and calms fears, relieves stress and nurtures the physical and emotional bodies. It is powerful in meditation and in connecting to the Divine Feminine, and is particularly helpful in releasing emotional bonds, patterns or principles that no longer serve the highest good. A stone of clear communication, it provides the strength and courage needed to speak openly from the heart.
Originally discovered in 1916, it was named by the Dominican who re-discovered it in 1974, taking the first letters of his daughter's name, Larissa, and the Spanish word for the sea, mar, to create Larimar.
Larimar is a powerful emotional cleanser and healer, especially for phobias, panic attacks, stress-related imbalances, and excessive anger or fear. It aids in breaking down the walls one has built around the heart for defense, and allows for emotional release and the clearing of deep emotional patterns. It helps one to reconnect to a previous, more natural state of playfulness and joyful childlike energy.
Larimar assists in communicating emotions and boundaries in a way others can hear and accept. It teaches the respect, love and nurturing of oneself in order to have the resources to give these gifts to others. It is an excellent crystal for healers and caregivers.
Larimar utilizes water energy, the energy of stillness, quiet strength, and purification. It embodies potentialities unrealized. It is yielding, formless, yet powerful. The Water element brings power of regeneration and rebirth. It is the energy of the circle of life.
Pink Sapphire brings the wisdom of resilience to one’s life, teaching that true strength lies in the power of vulnerability. Like a willow that yields to mighty winds and emerges stronger, Pink Sapphire assists the emotional body through the transitions of life, stimulating the emotions of love, forgiveness, acceptance, and letting go. This lovely crystal soothes the heart and aligns it with the mind, healing wounds of the past and encouraging compassion for others. It helps one develop the courage to be open again to relationships and to find joy in interacting with others. Pink Sapphire acts as a magnet drawing into one’s life all that is needed in order to evolve. It is a stone of spiritual power and astuteness, bringing prosperity and helping to sustain the gifts of life. It tends to focus, emanate and radiate its energy in fulfilling dreams and desires of the unconscious, even without conscious initiation.
At the very bottom of the mandala is a Sodalite heart.
Sodalite teaches the nature of oneself in relationship to the universe, like gazing into a star-filled sky and forgetting the darkness to grasp the innumerable points of light. It inspires insight, awakening, examination, and connection. It enhances one’s powers of analysis, intuition, observation and creativity, and strengthens self-discipline, efficiency and organization. Sodalite does not stimulate wisdom, but rather clears one’s vision and intellect opening the mind to formulate wisdom. It brings insights into the self and an honest evaluation of one’s motivations, strengths, weaknesses, gifts and patterns of destiny.
Sodalite is one of the densest and most grounded of the dark blue stones and is superb for
Sodalite increases consciousness, idealism, and striving for the truth, and eliminates guilt and fears better than any other stone. It helps one own and verbalize one’s truth and feelings objectively and to stand up for oneself. Sodalite allows the shadow aspects, those qualities one dislikes about their self, to rise to the surface to be acknowledged and accepted without judgements. Sodalite discharges anger and negative thoughts and empowers the release of fears, phobias, guilt, and things that hold one back. It assists the creation of a clear, insightful mind that is open to finding Inner Peace. Sodalite creates self-acceptance and self-trust and allows one to embrace the importance of remaining true to oneself.
Sodalite assists in balancing the Throat Chakra….the voice of the body! If we are not speaking our Truth, it will become blocked and and can affect many areas of the body. When it is balanced and open, we can easily express all that we think and feel. We will be able to easily communicate our ideas, beliefs, and emotions and bring our personal truth to the World!
Sodalite is also an awakener of the Brow Chakra or Third Eye. When the Brow Chakra is in balance we see clearly and understand what we see, and we will be able to interpret visual cues and our perception will be high.
In the middle of it all, at the bottom centre, is You, Moon Woman. You are always safe and protected.
Selenite Pillars offer protection on each side of You, and in this mandala form Angel wings. Your Angels are always with you.
Selenite, a protective stone, shields a person or space from outside influences. Selenite can evoke protection from the angelic realm and also dispels negative energy. The powerful energies of Selenite help one connect with one's guides, guardians, Christ Consciousness and Higher Self.
Selenite calms and soothes, bringing a deep peace and sense of tranquility. Use Selenite in a grid around your home or in the corners of a room to create a safe and peaceful space. Meditating with Selenite aids in access to past and future lives. Selenite brings mental clarity, clearing confusion and revealing the bigger picture behind any problem.
The powerful vibration of Selenite can clear, open, and activate the Crown and Higher Chakras and is excellent for all types of spiritual work. Selenite can also be used to strengthen the memory.
Selenite embodies a high vibration energy that works to help you to bring light down from the higher realms into the physical body, to create personal transformation.
Callicarpa was created during the January 2019 Lunar eclipse in Leo and Aquarius and represents the Sun and the Moon. An image of the eclipse just as the crescent was showing, just after the height of the totality has been incorporated into the mandala. When the Moon is in Leo, reflecting the Sun in Aquarius, these two create intense, yet deeply uplifting resonances. We are being guided from a place of self-love to own our unique gifts, stand proud in our talents and to take that plunge in revealing our god-given graces to the world.
There is only ONE of you, you are on this planet for a reason… and this Leo Full Moon is calling you to compassionately LOVE the uniqueness that is YOU… and have the courage to share your LIGHT with the world.
This lunar eclipse January 2019 astrology was most affected by Uranus. A challenging square aspect to this planet of uncertainty and rebellion brings change but also opportunity. Unexpected events and news are likely to cause anxiety and uncertainty about the future. Life may have seemed more hectic and fast paced than before.
Patience, self-control, adaptability and an open mind will help you and take advantage of the new opportunities that arise from the changing conditions ahead.
Like a regular full moon only stronger, a lunar eclipse focuses attention on your emotions, intimate relationships, and your home and family, as well as on your private life. Sun opposite Moon energies of emotions and instincts reach their peak at a lunar eclipse. This lets you take an objective and balanced look at your close relationships. Because you will be in touch with your own needs and intentions, you will clearly see any relationship imbalances causing disharmony.
Also incorporated into this mandala is a golden Flower of Life.
The Flower of Life is the modern name given to a geometrical figure composed of multiple evenly-spaced, overlapping circles, that are arranged so that they form a flower-like pattern. It is considered to be a symbol of sacred geometry, said to contain ancient healing and religious value depicting the fundamental forms of space and time. It is said to contain vital information on the secrets of the universe and all living things. There are many spiritual beliefs associated with the Flower of Life. The Flower of Life is one of the strongest sacred geometric shapes in the world and is excellent for healing and helps one to connect to the Higher Self. This symbol is said to have been given to humanity as a reminder of their inner plane existence and oneness with the Creator. The symbol or template of light reminds humanity of the eternal peace and love between all beings as well as the presence of the Creator within all. Meditating gazing upon or imagining the Flower of Life can bring forth this message and so much more inspiration to awaken your Godly/Creator remembrance, which is the innocence and truth of your being.
At the bottom of the mandala are 2 bunches of Lavender. Lavender flowers are purple in colour and the colour purple is associated with the crown chakra, which is the energy centre associated with higher purpose and spiritual connectivity. This symbolism is appropriate as the Lavender flower is often used for healing and raising our vibration to the highest level possible, which is the easiest path to healing.
Lavender’s beauty and aroma speak of grace, elegance and femininity. Lavender relaxes your mind and body. It helps you reach a deeper spiritual connection through your meditative work. Your third-eye chakra connects well to the pleasing aroma of lavender. Your intuition and spiritual understanding can become heightened from incorporating lavender into your meditation.
The gentleness of lavender encourages compassion while helping to soothe deep sadness. Lavender conjures feelings of balance and emotional well being. The many healing traits that lavender oil provides can also have a healing effect on your spirit. Lavender oil encourages feelings of tranquility and peace. It allows for you to remain calm during times of stress.
The background of Callicarpa is a blend of the Beautyberry and Pink Halite. Pink Halite has a peaceful, calming effect on the emotional body. Pink Halite is a wonderful healer and is a mineral of purification. Pink Halite can cleanse the aura, deflect negativity, balance the emotions and is especially helpful for those who suffer from mood swings.
Pink Halite is also known as Himalayan Salt. It has very similar properties to Rose Quartz and is an excellent crystal for love especially self-love. It not only helps one to experience self-love, but also, to take action and do things that self-love implies, for example; finding sense of purpose, to live a healthier lifestyle, learning to say ‘no’, or to take time for personal recreation and enjoyment.
Himalayan Salt is a powerful cleansing, purifying and detoxifying energy tool for your home. It absorbs any negative energy, toxins and allergens in your environment to cleanse and purify the energy of your space. Try taking a Himalayan Salt Bath or placing Himalayan Salt lamps in your rooms to keep your energy clear.
The Winds of Change and Metamorphosis have arrived!
It's time to be Uniquely YOU, and let your Unique Light shine out to the World!!
February 4th, 2019